

" My son... has mild dyspraxia .... I have been impressed with the marked improvement

in his coordination, his spatial awareness & his physical confidence ..."

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"...my son was dyspraxic and initially struggled at his specialist school.

As he grew stronger and more confident in both body and mind,

Piers' academic abilities followed suit, and he is now

doing extremely well at a mainstream school."

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Therapeutic Benefits for Children:

special needs
Our syllabus was developed in consultation with a child psychotherapist and an occupational therapist.


After many years of teaching this system we have found that training has improved coordination, orientation, spatial awareness, proprioception, motor planning and posture, as well as addressing dyspraxia. In addition it can improve a whole range of non physical issues.


By re framing exercise as an immensely enjoyable, tactile and exciting experience we have had particular success in addressing issues where resistance to physical discomfort has become a barrier to development (as in the case of dyspraxia).

The system naturally focuses on movement in relation to the centre line, orientating to the cardinal directions, up and down, left and right, and sensitivity to the presence of another person.


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