How MAE complies with Every Child Matters (ECM)

The Every Child Matters directive, describes 5 outcomes for children:
Be Healthy
Stay Safe
Enjoy and Achieve
Make a positive contribution
Achieve economic wellbeing
Martial Art Education (M.A.E) is a physical education programme based on martial arts, predominantly Fanchento Kung Fu & Ju Jitsu. It differs significantly from other martial arts programmes in that its focus is on all aspects of health (physical, mental, emotional and social) rather than self defense, aesthetics or competitive sport. M.A.E fosters a cooperative approach to martial arts rather than a competitive one.
Outcome 1: Be Healthy
The Every Child Matters framework directs that this outcome be achieved through 5 aims:
Physically healthy
Mentally and emotionally healthy
Sexually healthy
Healthy lifestyles
Choose not to take illegal drugs
How the M.A.E programme satisfies this outcome through these aims
The M.A.E programme is a physically healthy system of exercise. It includes a variety of low impact aerobic exercises, calisthenics and relaxation techniques. The wide range of exercises practiced caters to students of all temperaments and abilities ensuring that there are types of exercise that all students can excel at.
The programme encourages cooperation and fosters social skills and social awareness. Students cooperate with their partner in learning and developing and social skills, self esteem and technical ability are developed simultaneously.
The programme encourages a healthy lifestyle in that to excel and achieve it is necessary to be fit and alert. Diet, hygiene and other health related topics often form part of class discussions.
M.A.E implicitly and explicitly discourages the use of illegal drugs. Students with healthy bodies are usually proud of their bodies and we expect them to be reluctant to damage them with drug use.
Students are often surprised and encouraged by the speed skill can be developed and those who use drugs are likely to strongly experience their inhibiting effect.
Outcome 2: Stay Safe
The Every Child Matters framework directs that this outcome be achieved through 5 aims:
Safe from maltreatment, neglect, violence and sexual exploitation
Safe from accidental injury and death
Safe from bullying and discrimination
Safe from crime and anti-social behavior in and out of school
Have security, stability and are cared for
How the M.A.E programme satisfies this outcome through these aims
All M.A.E instructors have Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) checks. As M.A.E is a new company we can not as yet have this check carried out our self.
As a body we recognize that working with youths and children is a privilege and strive to employ and partner with others who have the same ethos. This guiding principle ensures that children are safe.

Although all physical activity carries some risk, our exercises have been developed with safety as our primary concern. We make use of protective equipment (such as soft mats). Further, we strongly encourage a cooperative approach to training and so the manner exercises are performed minimizes their already small risk.
Classes are managed in such a way that all children have equal rights and respect each other.
Our syllabus builds self esteem and confidence so students are better able to cope with bulling and discrimination.
By developing self esteem and appropriate socialization, students are less likely to engage in anti social behavior.
Outcome 3: Enjoy and Achieve
The Every Child Matters framework directs that this outcome be achieved through 5 aims:
Ready for school
Attend and enjoy school
Achieve stretching national educational standards at primary school
Achieve personal and social development and enjoy recreation
Achieve stretching national educational standards at secondary school
How the M.A.E programme satisfies this outcome through these aims
Our system is linked to various private schools in London and our syllabus for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 fulfills the requirements of the National Curriculum for Physical Education (our document relating to this is available on request).
Further, our system is a unique approach to physical education and enhances participation and performance in all other sports.
M.A.E offers a very enjoyable recreational activity aimed at enhancing personal wellbeing and personal skills.
Outcome 4: Make a Positive Contribution
The Every Child Matters framework directs that this outcome be achieved through 5 aims:
Engage in decision making and support the community and environment
Engage in law-abiding and positive behavior in and out of school
Develop positive relationships and choose not to bully and discriminate
Develop self-confidence and successfully deal with significant life changes and challenges
Develop enterprising behavior
How the M.A.E programme satisfies this outcome through these aims
As per the Children’s Plan 2020 goals our program is aimed at "all young people participating in positive activities to develop personal and social skills, promote well-being and reduce behaviour that puts them at risk".
In terms of the ethos of martial arts in general and M.A.E in particular we strive to communicate, develop and model a socially responsible attitude.

By developing discipline, self esteem and confidence in children we set the groundwork for positive decision making in all aspects of their lives. Children with positive self esteem are unlikely to become bullies and unlikely to attract bullying behavior.
Our longer term aim to develop our program to a point where we can work with youth offending teams who deal with children at risk of offending or have offended.
Outcome 5: Achieve Economic Well-being
The Every Child Matters framework directs that this outcome be achieved through 5 aims:
Engage in further education, employment or training on leaving school
Ready for employment
Live in decent homes and sustainable communities
Access to transport and material goods
Live in households free from low income
How the M.A.E programme satisfies this outcome through these aims
It is hoped that the internal attitudes and external skills that children develop through our curriculum will enable them to take responsibility for their lives and make positive choices which in the future should allow them to achieve positive wellbeing.
Young people to train as teachers of the programme and earn a living in this respect.